How to fix AdjProg "Communication Error Code 21000012c", All the necessary steps are given below to fix AdjProg errors on your Epson printer :This error code appears if there are more than one compatible printer are connected to your computer and you are trying to use the reset utility.
- Make sure you only the targeted printer (ie: the one you wish to reset) is connected to your computer and turned on.
- Rather than “Auto Select” (Via “Settings” button in AdjProg utility), try to choose the specific port on which your target printer is connected
- This option is a last ditch attempt if all else fails:
- Prepare everything for resetting (ie: input key, etc…)
- Turn printer off, wait for 5 seconds and turn it on again
- Try to reset waste ink counter after waiting for 2-3 seconds
- This method sometimes works around if there is any power saving or similar issues encounter which stop the printer to communicate properly
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