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How to fix AdjProg "Communication Error Code 21000012c"

How to fix AdjProg "Communication Error Code 21000012c"
How to fix AdjProg "Communication Error Code 21000012c"

How to fix AdjProg "Communication Error Code 21000012c", All the necessary steps are given below to fix AdjProg errors on your Epson printer :This error code appears if there are more than one compatible printer are connected to your computer and you are trying to use the reset utility.
  1. Make sure you only the targeted printer (ie: the one you wish to reset) is connected to your computer and turned on.
  2. Rather than “Auto Select” (Via “Settings” button in AdjProg utility), try to choose the specific port on which your target printer is connected
  3. This option is a last ditch attempt if all else fails:
  4. Prepare everything for resetting (ie: input key, etc…)
  5. Turn printer off, wait for 5 seconds and turn it on again
  6. Try to reset waste ink counter after waiting for 2-3 seconds
  7. This method sometimes works around if there is any power saving or similar issues encounter which stop the printer to communicate properly
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